Проклета авлија, еротика, квир, Карађоз, фра Петар, затвор, херменеутикаAbstract
This work offers erotological and queer representation of the prison Deposito, interpersonal relations of the inmates, symbolic meaning of the nouns and their protagonists. The importance of the works lies in the necessity for refreshed approaches to the literary work, as well as in the attempt to look at The Damned Yard in another light. We approach this literary achievement hermeneutically having in mind theoretical and philosophical postulates about erotology as a humanistic discipline, her ally eros, as well as reading the work through the queer vision. We were able to confirm certain interpretations that exist in literary criticism, but also to broaden them and to underline in the literary text instances that could be read in a way like (homo)erotic associativity of the name Karađoz, his controversial acts, erotically compacted prison dilbers, Deposito as a peculiar erotic pollinator and friar Peter’s secret relationship with Ćamil. The results of the work indicate the importance of new interpretations of the literary work and can also be of utility to the investigators that decide to look a literary achievement in a different way. They also represent a unique revitalization of Andrić’s literary creativity because they can be understood as a call to look at his legacy differently. At the end, these results can induce future investigations on the same or similar topic, either within this work, some other from Andrić’s legacy, that is, some domestic and/or world literary achievement.